wissenschaftspflaster, applying statistics to disease since 1854
dauer: 1:04:11 veröffentlicht am: 17. Februar 2014 13:35nia owen is epidemiologist, so she tells us how its done. We talk about the beginnings, how to aquire the data, if epidemiology is surveillance, and who does it and why. nia owen also talks about her work about neglected risk factors in HIV.
Nia Owen | ||||
Christian Meisenbichler |
published by pflaster under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Austria License. den podcast könnt ihr auch abonnieren.
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- WP: John_Snow_(physician)
- AIDS epidemiology data on unaids.org
- Epidemiology and social development on http://www.gapminder.org/
- Video: 30c3 talk about data collection and states. “No Neutral Ground in a Burning World [30c3]”